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I have a circuit breaker that tripped, is it dangerous? "Usually the problem is simply an overload and you only need to run fewer appliances on the circuit. However, if it is not overloaded and it keeps tripping, you should suspect a short. Also, look for a defective cord or plug. Unplug appliances and if it still trips after doing so you will have to call in a electrician.
Can I do my own electrical work?Electrical work is not without its risks. The question comes down to what are you willing to risk in order to save money. Electricians go through a tremendous amount of training for a reason. Even the smallest electrical jobs can lead to costly mistakes. Leaving it to the professionals is your best choice and will save you money in the long run.
Why does my circuit breaker trip?Except in the case of definite faults, circuit breakers should not trip. Check to see if some type of plugged in appliance is causing the problem.
I have surge and lightning protection at home, am I totally safe from lightning strikes?"No. Surge & Lightning Protection only offers additional levels of protection. Nothing can guarantee complete protection against Mother Nature and where she chooses to strike.
What is a surge protector and should I get one?Surges are created by lightning or from the local power station. Sometimes, a surge of electricity can flood out to the residents from the power station as we experience during load shedding. A surge protector helps to protect your electrical devices from a power surge. Usually, surge protectors are used for electronic devices such as computers and flat screen televisions but will also help to protect any other electrical devices on your property. If you appreciate your electrical devices and want them to perform efficiently without having to worry about replacing them, you may want to consider protecting your devices with a surge protector.
I have surge and lightning protection on my main service, should i use point-of-use surge plug-in devices on my TV, radio, computer and other devices?"Yes. Main line surge is no absolute guarantee and any additional surge protection downstream in the system offers a greater level of protection. Though nothing is absolutely safe when it comes to the power of Mother Nature.
Can I replace a fuse or circuit breaker with a larger one to prevent them from blowing or tripping?In most cases the answer is no. They are designed to blow at certain levels to protect equipment and for fire safety.
When my house was built they did not install a doorbell. Is there an easy way to solve this?Yes, there are wireless door bell systems.
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